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Our partners

Our team has partnered with local government, Wollongong University, industry, local schools and small businesses to make a positive impact on our environment. 

plastICS- It's a Wrap
Our local and sustainable alternative:-

The plastICS team has developed our own range of beeswax wraps as an alternative to soft plastic in lunchboxes. Our wax is locally sourced and our wraps are hand made by us! We sell these to our school community and work to educate students leaders from other schools in our area so that they can do this too.

Soft plastic recycling

Did you know that soft plastics can be recycled? Well, they can!! 

Reducing and Recycling

We aim to reduce the amount of soft plastic that comes to school in lunchboxes. We do this by educating students and families, making and providing bees wax wraps and by organising our soft plastics to be recycled.

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