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Excessive plastic packaging is polluting our environment. Over-production of plastics and the convenience of its use, contribute to this problem. The use of plastic packaging in school lunch boxes is a major contributor to landfill, with excess plastic litter often ending up in storm water drains and ultimately, the ocean. 

How might we raise awareness about the impact of soft plastic packaging in lunch boxes so that Illawarra community schools contribute less plastic pollution to the environment by mid 2018 and beyond?

Resource not rubbish

We love our beaches and enjoy our beautiful environment here in Wollongong. plastic in landfill and in our oceans is a huge problem. Our team is dedicated to helping local school communities to reduce the amount of soft plastic they bring to school each day and to recycle the rest. By schools stopping their plastics entering the environment, we can make a huge educational and environmental difference.


We are a team of students from Illawarra Christian School. We are passionate about God's creation and serious about looking after it. Soft plastics are everywhere and schools are a major contributor. Through educating others, we hope to reduce the impact of soft plastic pollution in two ways: 1) using sustainable alternatives and 2) turning soft plastic waste into products with a social conscience.

Why do we care?

Our planet is precious. It sustains us and it is our home. With population growth and the advent of convenient plastic products, our planet is choking. 

The facts and figures are horrifying. Plastic pollution needs to be stopped! Click here for the facts. We hope and pray you'll join us on our journey.

plastICS Video

plastICS Video

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Our story- the journey so far


Watch our video to find out a little more about what we have been up to, why we care, and what difference we can make. Small changes make a big difference. 


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