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plastICS- It's a Wrap


Providing an alternative to soft plastic in lunchboxes

The production and provision of beeswax alternatives into our ICS community has greatly promoted the idea that our choices matter. We have sold them at a lunch time and also at our school fete. Our social media use has meant that the message has gone beyond our school community. 


Instead of us making wraps for other schools to use, we ran a plastICS training day where student leaders with a passion for the environment came. They were educated on the plastic pollution issue and were empowered to start their own small business. Beeswax wraps aren't hard to make!! Look below:


Beeswax wraps- a sustainable alternative.


We work with local beekeepers to procure the highest quality capping 

wax. Cotton and linen material is donated by local businesses and 

school families and is transformed into a

reusable, sweet-smelling and sustainable 

food wrap. 


Click below to see how you can make

your very own wraps and do your part to

reduce soft plastic ending up in landfill and

in our oceans.



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